Is it really a new project when you've been chewing it over in your mind for several years? What the best execution of it would be, what methods and techniques to use and most importantly the time to actually embark on it. I have embarked on my new project journey and have been on this road for around 2 months, give or take.
How about some back story, my husband is very funny he likes to poke at me (sometimes in the most literal sense) and one day in 2009 he was poking at me, finger and all. I had responded with something like "I'm almost mad." and he said something to the effect of "well poke it till it's almost mad, then stop." We rolled and laughed, we may have been inebriated slightly at the time but I had jotted it down in my sketchbook and thought it would make a funny embroidery. I worked it up and had an idea of what I wanted but no real plans to do it anytime soon. In 2009 I had plenty to keep me busy with the kitchen curtain project I was working through.
So every now and again I flip through the sketch book to think over ideas or to make changes to ideas that I've been chewing on in my mind. Earlier this year I was finishing the cross stitch Wizard and decided that I was going to take on the poke it project. Here is my thoughts/diabolical plan...
Cross stitch phrase - Stitched on 22 count Aida fabric and used my own typography.
*Sadly the lettering is a bit close on one of the lines- I've decided that the imperfections are something that I can live with and I've gone so far I refuse to pull it out and re-space them.
Stitch border around phrase - I Chose Black-work designs
Trim project and secure all around cross stitch fabric to prevent it from unraveling *this has already begun (piece A)
Place piece A on top of 2nd fabric - I've chosen a natural linen and trace out second border
The second border will be like little windows, 4 longer and 4 little corner squares. Inside each I plan on embroidering things that you would not want to poke with a stick till mad. Bear, Bees, Red Ant Hill and a Skunk. The second border will offer more diversity for stitches and techniques and will add the spice of humor to the piece. It's been a long time in my brain, turning over and over as I considered how best to assemble it and create something worth hanging onto and something that will be funny.
Who loves progress shots? Anyone, anyone... yeah me too.
You can see how the fabric is unraveling, I will put in a row of white cross stitches all around once I've finished this part to prevent it from going any further. That will keep it from falling apart more and will connect it to the base piece of fabric.
I could pull out the A and move it over, that would give the 3rd line a bit more breathing room. It is alas only the beginning of this project and I've a long road to sew. Feel free to click the images, they will enlarge for your viewing pleasure.
Keep on stitching! >^_^<
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