I feel like I have my hands in all sorts of wonderful things at the moment. I think I have the attention span of a 3 year old sometimes. Been stitching of course, hopefully will be able to share that project at some point (going to be epic, epic I say!) Been drawing and capturing ideas,
I've also been playing around with clay, Knickertwist shared the most wonderful video tutorial on her blog "Pixie Hill" about how to make her sweet little mushrooms and a second showing the amazing teeny fairy houses... so cute and so fun, this can go in a million directions. I'll have to get a few pics of what I've done so I can share also. If you want to see (and you really should) click Here for the tutorial on how to make the mushrooms. Go ahead, click I'll wait...
Great right? I love her blog and her artwork is just inspiring, I want to fill an entire wall with it!
Anyhoo, onto the painting. A friend and co-worker had her birthday and so I decided to make something for her. Though now I've realized that there have been a few other birthdays that I missed completely or could have gone bigger on. I'm going to have to remedy that I think... right the painting. Lookie.
That is Micky and Minnie skipping off into the sunset hand in hand. It took me around 20 hours overall = all 4 Twilight movies (looking away), the 6 hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice followed by Kate and Leopold and rounded off with the newest episode of Eureka off of the SyFy channel website. About 2 days and one evening and I fit just a tiny bit of yard work in there too (pretty sure the neighbors were glad about that one) though more time needs to be spent out there too.
Overall it was a very quick painting for me, usually I'll spend ages or years sometimes just because I'll set it to the side and never get back around to it.
I have to say that I've really, really missed painting. Now I want to paint more but how can I paint when the (epic) embroidery sits and waits, the clay houses are begging for paint and moss roofs and I have people actually wanting me to make things for them. When did I get so busy with crafty things and when will I fit the dishes and laundry into this busy crafting schedule? I've so much to do and so many things that I would rather do. Guess that is the plight of any artsy/crafty person.
Keep on stitching my stitchy friends! >^_^<
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