Sunday, October 14, 2012

The bright side and a promise

The last I posted there had been 0% completed on the craft room/pit of despair.  Much has changed since then and I'm happy to report that I'm in my craft room right this second making this blog post to you now!  About 2 but could have been 3 weeks ago now I got up one Sunday morning, the husband was off hunting, it was still bow season here.  As I sipped my tea I wandered around the house thinking about how I would spend my day, I found my-self standing outside the pit and thinking about how I just really wanted room to make my own private woman cave.  My commitment of 15 minutes a day had not panned out at all, I took a deep breath and dove in.

I started mucking out at 8:30 AM and worked all day till around 7:30 PM, sorting, stacking, recycling, a save box turned into 4 save boxes.  One box of recycling turned into 3 and many, many old dilapidated card board boxes crushed down for the recycling bin.  One box of things to burn turned into 5.  I found pay stubs from 2001, old electric bills from the apartment that my husband and I lived in 8 years ago!  What on earth have I been saving that crap for and why had it moved here 7 years ago?!?  And the boxes to give to Goodwill.... numerous.  6 boxes of old VHS alone, old toys, cloths, gone!  I purged this room and ended up feeling extremely good about it, out with the old, the things that held me back from doing and making the things that I love.  The room is not yet finished, there is still much to do but I think that you deserve a look at the project that I put off entirely too long...

First the way it was..  (The horror! The shame.)

Now.... .. .. . .!!!

Can you even believe it!  Useable space!!
 Shelves for knick-knacks, things that I treasure.
 Shelves for projects and ideas and supplies.
Imagine me sitting here now smiling and typing away.  There is much more to do, more shelves to hang, art to put up and more organizing to do.
 My woman cave, I can paint again, sew again, make all kinds of crafty goodness!
Speaking of sewing, I need curtains for these windows.  Think I'll be pulling out the old machine. (old picture, this baby just moved into the room last night and is not set up quite yet.)

I had a request to share how to thread it so I will post a little tutorial for how to thread and use the machine I have.  Before you begin if you have an older machine like I do be sure to start off by oiling the machine's working parts if it hasn't been used in a while, that will keep it working smoothly.  Many modern machines don't need to be oiled but the older ones do.

Sigh, I feel so good about my room, about myself.  Take a breath and enjoy the sights of autumn... my favorite!  It was so pretty in the morning light had to take a picture of it on my way out the door to work.  I just love that dogwood tree, lovely in the spring and so fiery in the fall.

Now I can get back to it, keep on stitching my stitchy friends. 


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