Saturday, September 26, 2009

Long and short stitch catch up

Been stitching away but I just had not been able to really get any pictures of them until recently.
It has been a wonderful learning experience following along with this project. My mind is turning over how to finish it off as the lessons are almost complete. This is the lesson index with links sending you to each detailed lesson.
Flat leaf
Jagged leaf
Sampler almost finished

I have ideas on how to finish it out but nothing decided yet. I was thinking about a small and quick project to sink my teeth into. I really should get onto the holiday ornaments if I want any ready by the winter... so many things to work on.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lookie what I made for work!

This was so tasty I had to share, it was such a people pleaser and so easy to make. There was quite a bit of prep time and the time to arrange everything but easy all the same.

My Berry Trifle:
Angel food cake (cubed)
Vanilla pudding (2 boxes)
Cool whip
Grapes (halved)

Then it is just a matter of layering everything in alternate layers as you like.

And it gave me a reason to use this pretty serving bowl from Goodwill. Yay!

Lazy, Busy and Distracted...

That about sums up my life lately, too lazy to turn on the computer, too busy to make the time to post anything and too distracted in reading a book series that I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I freaking love. Read those twice.

Onto the stitching!
I had been asked to create a name panel for a friend at work, for another friend from work that had recently had their first child. I think it turned out so very lovely. They changed their last name after I had stitched it up so they are going to cut off the bottom and make the top part into a pillow. I also think that is quite nice to make a keepsake from it. In total I spent 28 hours making it. Out of respect for their privacy I am only posting parts of it and will not show the entire name... you never know these days.

I have been making great progress on the Needle 'N Thread long and short stitch project but have not been able to get good pictures of it yet. I finally spent my Labor day stitching... All day long! I went from being 3 projects behind to being all caught up!
That was quite nice I must say since I had spent so much time buried in books.
I also have been painting again. That is a late in the evening activity for me after my child has been put to bed. After almost seven years it is nice to pick up a brush and create on canvas again. Needless to say there will be pictures as soon as I an confident enough to post them.
Happy stitching and painting and reading to you all!